Error when installing MISP

Hello TGuard Community,

I encountered the following errors when installing MISP:

T-Guard is running on a fresh install of Ubuntu 22. All previous steps (Wazuh, Shuffle) have gone well (except for IRIS, but that has also been fixed using other posts from the forum). I have not installed simulation files.

I would gladly appreciate your help.

Hi smaarif08,

You can try this following steps:

  1. Go to iris-web directories
  2. Run this command:
sed s',pip3 install -r requirements.txt,pip3 install --upgrade pip \&\& pip3 install -r requirements.txt,' -i docker/webApp/Dockerfile
  1. Run again.

We hope this can resolve the issue, and let me know if you have any case after following the step.

Thank you!

Thanks for the response.

As I’ve said above, I have done so and the IRIS installation has completed, with all containers successfully created. The error is with MISP installation and not with IRIS.

That being said, IRIS seems to suddenly not work after a fresh reinstall. Logs do not show anything out of the ordinary.

I gladly appreciate your help.